We can help you with your outsourcing & accounting resource needs,
and significantly reduce your costs!

What we can do

For Companies

Accounting/bookkeeping (partial or full), ad hoc data processing/analysis

Financial statements (F/S) -internal and / or external, including footnotes (US GAAP and / or IFRS)

F/S preparation for Registered Investment Advisors (RIA)

PBCs for auditors

Supporting analyses/schedules

Management reports and presentations

Budgeting and forecasting

Internal control evaluation & documentation

CFO assist, temporary controllership

Retained technical consultant

IPO assist work for real estate & related entities

Technical research and accounting memos

New accounting implementation memos

Loan/virtual staffing

Legal document abstracting (e.g., leases, loans)

For CPA Firms

Accounting/bookkeeping support for CPA firms' clients

Data entry for tax return preparation

Seasonal audit assist

Audit efficiency evaluation

Training for CPA firms on how to audit prospective audit clients (e.g. fund & fair value reporting audits)

Our Onboarding Process

Smooth and timely transition of your certain processes or business functions to an outsourced model is an integral part of our business.

We will fully collaborate with you to achieve a successful transition.